Theme: From Crypto to White Hat
10 – 17 July 2016 (Sunday-Sunday), “National Institute of Education”, Oriahovitza, Bulgaria (view map)
Registration is now closed! >>> to view the registration form, click here.
A limited scholarship fund is available. Full funding will be provided to a limited number of students and researchers from Bulgaria. Partial funding of 200 Euro/person is allocated for students and researchers from outside Bulgaria. Selection will be based on applicant background (CV) and a motivation letter/e-mail. Deadline for application for scholarship: 20 May 2016
First announcement >>> download from here
Sponsorship package >>> download from here
Queries and interest >>> info (at) cryptoBG (dot) org
One intensive week of theory, practice and discussions: 4-hour lectures and tutorials by international experts extended with practical workshops, labs and seminars, simulations, round-table discussions and working groups on hot topics
Topics of the year
- e-ID and e-voting
- IoT – crypto and security for smart devices – Internet of Things, Industrial Internet standardization, smart robots, homes, clothes and gadgets
- Security for Industrial Systems – ICS/SCADA systems and Cyber Defense
- elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), symmetric key, lattice-based cryptography
- efficient arithmetic and integer factorization
- functional encryption – identity-based encryption (IBE) and attribute-based encryption (ABE)
- curve-based cryptography – theoretical and practical aspects
- pairing-based cryptography
- blind signatures and e-voting schemes
- secure communications
- personal secure devices, mobile security
- secure architectures, “security by design” aspects
- biometrics for security, multi-factor security (including “intuitive” methods)
- e-Voting – practical realization
- security in the cloud – searchable encryption lab
- side-channel resistance – practical labs and simulation
Especially for the Industry and Sponsors: Challenge the CryptoBG*2016 team – define a problem/challenge, bring it on day 1 and get a solution in a week!
Lectures and Tutorials – preliminary program
Dr. Claude Barral (CEO Bactech, France) – All you ever wanted to know about fingerprint recognition… and its bypassing!
Dr. Nicolas Gama (Université de Versailles, France) – 1) Crypto fundamentals, 2) Lattice-Based Cryptography (with Dr. Mariya Georgieva), Elliptic Curves Cryptography (with Dr. Dimitar Jetchev), Practical labs and challenges for CTF
Dr. Mariya Georgieva (Gemalto, France) – Lattice-Based Cryptography Practical Labs
Prof. Dimitar Jetchev (EPFL, Switzerland) – Elliptic Curves Cryptography
Dr. Malika Izabachène (CEA LIST, France) – Homomorphic based e-voting protocols
Dr. George Sharkov (ESI CEE, MoD, Bulgaria) – Architecture and design for a National Cyber Security and Resilience system
Dr. Velizar Shalamanov (NCI Agency) – Governance of Security in Cyber Domain of Federated Networking
Ilaria Chillotti (Université de Versailles, France) – Fully homomorphic encryption
Konstantin Delchev (IMI, Bulgaria) – Crypto fundamentals (2)
Yavor Papazov (ESI CEE, Bulgaria) – Software Security
And your favorite CTF*BG round (Capture The Flag) by CyResLab (of ESI CEE) RED <>BLUE teams in 3 sessions:
- CTF “warm up” & challenges explained
- active security – MITM demos, Аpplication security, and exploitation, Secure Coding digest
- CTF*BG Ultimate
Round table discussions:
- open cases & industry challenges
- e-voting and e-Government
- collective Cyber Resilience
- what’s next
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