CryptoBG*2013 From Practice to Theory: Cryptology and Cyber Resilience
14 -21 July 2013 (Sunday-Sunday), “National Institute of Education”, Oriahovitza, Bulgaria
Downloads: Download materials & final program
One intensive week of theory + practice + discussions: 4-hour lectures and tutorials by international experts extended with practical workshops, labs and seminars, simulations, round-table discussions and working groups on hot topics
Listed in the Calendar of Events of IACR (International Association for Cryptologic Research).
Organized by:
Supported by
Mayor Municipality of Stara Zagora Zhivko Todorov
American University in Bulgaria
SofiaTech Park
Sofia University (FMI)
FINAL PROGRAM – LECTURES & TUTORIALS [in order of appearance]
Dr. Benjamin Smith, INRIA, École Polytechnique, France
Fundamentals of Public-Key Cryptosystems: RSA and Elliptic Curves (14 July)
Dr. Malika Izabachène, Loria, France
Introduction to Electronic Voting Protocols (14 July)
Dr. Christina Boura, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Introduction to Symmetric-Key Cryptography (14, 16, 18 July)
Dr. Emmanuel Prouff, ANSSI, France
Side Channel Attacks (16, 20 July)
Dr. Anja Becker, EPFL, Switzerland
Introduction to Lattice-based Cryptography (16, 18, 19 July)
Prof. Dimitar Jetchev, EPFL, Switzerland
Introduction to Searchable Encryption (18, 19 July)
Dr. Elena Andreeva, KU Leuven, Belgium
Hash Functions from Provable Perspective (20 July)
Yavor Papazov, Borislav Valkov, Dr. George Sharkov, CyResLab (ESI CEE)
- DarkSide [after]noon (15 July)
- Team Capture the Flag (18 July)
- The Ultimate Challenge (19 July)
Dr. Nicolas Gama, Université de Versailles, France
- Lattice-based Cryptography – Implementations (16, 19 July)
- Bulgaria in e-Government, Cyber Defense
- New Challenges (Cloud, Mobile, DNA-hacking…)
- What’s Next
To prepare the researchers and IT practitioners for the digital security and resilience of our business and e-life TOMORROW, we must foresee and develop on what will be AFTER TOMORROW.
The focus of this Second summer school is to Bridge the Practice to Theory by gathering world class leaders in the field with young researchers, IT security practitioners, e-business innovators, business resilience managers and cyber-defense professionals. The School will build on the CryptoBG*2012 – [MC3D] Meet Challenges in Cryptography and Cyber-Defense (From Theory to Practice) and the earlier International Symposiums on Recent Developments in Cryptography and Information Security. The topics answer the e-competences demand for modern industry and society, aligned with the Europe 2020 Digital Agenda, the NATO Smart Defense initiative and Multi National capacity development (addressing 2035+).
The program this year addresses theory and research that answer direct demands and vulnerabilities. So we start with some practical problems and threats and provide the theory and longer term methods – so we go From Practice to Theory. Particular areas will be dedicated, but not limited to:
Cloud security
- searchable encryption
- homomorphic encryption (examples include evoting)
- key management for cloud applications
- security standards; RSA and ECDL cryptanalysis record calculations
- cryptanalysis of blockciphers and streamciphers
- computational number theory on different constrained devices
Symmetric Key Cryptography
- secure hash functions design (SHA-3 competition overview)
- lightweight cryptography, implementation (Intel Westmere chipsets)
- implementation on constrained devices
Side-channel Resistance
- side-channel resistant elliptic curve arithmetic (Edward curves)
- practical labs and simulation
Lattice-based Cryptography
- algorithms for lattice-basis reduction
- cryptographic schemes based on lattices
- hardness assumptions
Design and development of Cyber-resilient applications
- overview and analysis of vulnerabilities (internet and mobile security – Bulgaria/EU/Nato)
- Cyber Shockwave exercise – National and Multinational defense
- TLS/SSL security
- DNSSec issues
- mobile/internet banking vulnerabilities analysis (example, UBS / Rogue certificates for MD5)
The program will include also several discussions on hot topics like:
- new digitized ecosystems and privacy: we are what we share
- security challenges: cloud, mobile, platform convergence
- the new face of cyber-crime: e-skills and competences we need
- new generation hacking: get ready for the bio-hackers
Prof. Dimitar Jetchev, EPFL, Switzerland – Searchable Encryption
Dr. Nicolas Gama, Université de Versailles, France – Programming labs with lattice and number theory libraries in C++
Dr. Benjamin Smith, INRIA, École Polytechnique, France – Efficient Elliptic curve arithmetic
Dr. Anja Becker – EPFL, Switzerland – Introduction to Lattice-based Cryptography
Dr. Christina Boura – Technical University of Denmark, Denmark – Introduction to Symmetric-key Cryptography
Dr. Emmanuel Prouff, Université de Caen, France – Side Channel Attacks
Dr. Malika Izabachène, Loria, France – e-Voting
Dr. Elena Andreeva, KU Leuven, Belgium – Introduction to hash functions
Simulations prepared by the CyLab of ESI Center. Short communications/presentations by participants.
Materials: The Summer School Lecture Notes will be bundled in a text book together with CryptoBG*2012 materials for the participants (special publication series is under consideration).
The reasonable ratio of 1:3 for theory to practice will ensure the valuable take-away for the participants, opening new research horizons and professional competences development.
Watch Introduction to Cryptography lecture of Dr. Kaloyan Slavov at AUBG (American University in Bulgaria)!
The Summer School will take place in the conference center of the National Institute of Education in Oriahovitza, a small village near Stara Zagora. The center is equipped with conference rooms, lecture rooms and computer facilities. Located at the foot of the beautiful Sredna Gora Mountain and famous for its wineries, the village is nowadays hosting various international cultural and scientific events organized by Minu Balkanski Foundation.
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Prof. Minko Balkanski, IHE, France
Dr. George Sharkov, ESI CEE, Bulgaria
Prof. Dimitar Jetchev, EPFL, Switzerland
Mariya Georgieva, Université de Caen, France